Lead Magnet & Lead Magnet Content Ideas for Travel Industry

by | Feb 7, 2023 | Digital Marketing

A simple and popular way to generate new customer leads is to create lead magnet Ideas for Travel Industry! In this article, we will discuss what a lead magnet is, why it helps drive traffic to your business and ideas to get started with your own lead magnets Ideas for Travel Industry!

What is a Lead Magnet?

A lead magnet is an incentive that a marketer (or in this case, the travel agent) will offer to potential buyers or clients. The lead magnet is typically a digital download where the potential buyer will share their email address in order to receive the free digital download. A lead magnet might be an ebook, a PDF checklist, a guide, etc.

What makes a lead magnet so valuable to marketers is that it allows them to collect email addresses while also providing a helpful resource showcasing their skills to the potential new buyer. Once you receive email addresses you can begin marketing to this new audience. For more insight on effective email marketing, check out this article!

Before creating a lead magnet, it’s first helpful to review the conversion that your potential buyer will experience when receiving the lead magnet from you.

Lead Magnet Conversion

1. Call to Action:

First, you will need a call to action (CTA). This might be a button on your website, a link on your social media post, or a pop-up that appears when someone visits your website. This CTA will be the action they need to click to access the resource you’re offering through the lead magnet.

2. Landing Page:

Once the viewer clicks on the action to receive the lead magnet, you can take them to a landing page where they will enter their email address and any other information you wish to collect.

You can create landing pages with most email marketing tools so if you are using email software, you can check if they have an option to create a form to collect information and create landing pages. If you’re new to email marketing, you can also set up a Google Form and manually send the download once you receive the email. However, we recommend finding an automated solution so that the person receives the lead magnet right away.

3. Download/Thank You, Page:

Once they have filled out the form with their email and any other relevant information, you can create a page thanking them that also has the option to download their free resource.

4. Kickback Email:

Create an automated follow-up email for the new lead after they sign up for the free download. This is also a great time to set up an automated email campaign for them as well so that they begin receiving specialized marketing emails from you to turn them into a warm lead.

15 Lead Magnet Ideas

Now for the fun part of creating your lead magnet! Below you will find various ideas to get you started on creating your lead magnet(s).

1. Mini Ebook of Vacation Ideas

Create a mini ebook of specific destinations or different types of travel experiences. For example, if you focus on family vacations you can create a short ebook of the “Top 10 Family Vacations in 2021” or “The Top Family-Friendly Beaches in the Caribbean”.

2. Packing Checklist

This is a simple yet highly searched resource! Who wouldn’t love a travel checklist to ensure they aren’t forgetting anything. You can focus on a specific destination or type of travel. Examples could include a packing list for a family visiting Disney World, going on a cruise, visiting Italy in the summer, you name it!

3. Travel Itineraries

Create one-day (or more) itineraries for select destinations. You don’t have to give away too much of your expertise but just enough to entice and be helpful to the viewer and be sure to share your contact information in case they need help in planning their trip!

4. Destination Guides

Similar to an itinerary, create a PDF or online guide to destination hot-spots or places that someone should consider when visiting a location. A destination guide could include places to visit, dine, and sleep or focus on one type of activity.

5. A Guide to Passport and Visas

Consider what people who are planning travel typically search online and use that to create a guide and share your expertise. For example, many people who plan to visit outside their country for the first time might be curious about the process of obtaining a passport and if they will need a visa or any special requirements. Create a general guide about everything one should know when traveling outside their country or visiting a specific destination.

6. Destination Calendar

Create a calendar for a particular destination and include information such as when are the top months to visit and what is the weather like each month. You can also share a calendar of festivals, events, or holidays to be aware of when traveling there.

7. Travel Journal Prompts

The art of journaling still exists and many like to keep memories written down when traveling. Create a downloadable PDF of different travel prompts to get traveling writers inspired! Example prompts might include “What was the most fascinating thing you’ve learned in this town or city?”, “What will you miss when you return home?” or “Sketch a moment you want to remember”.

8. Destination “Copy-Cat” Recipes

Everyone loves a great recipe so share your favorites and create it into a PDF format for anyone to print. Is there a great pasta dish recipe you learned while traveling in Italy? Create a “copy cat” version for others to create at home and if you can, add in bonus wine pairings for each dish!

9. Travel Report

Consider putting together a travel report for the year based on a certain destination or particular type of travel. You can focus on the Caribbean, ocean or river cruises, countries in Europe, or anywhere else! You can gather information from your reliable sources and combine them all together to create your own travel report.

10. Video or Webinar Recording

Instead of creating a PDF or graphic you can also record a video and share it as a download for viewers. You can record just about any of the ideas mentioned and present a slideshow or just chat through the information, whatever you feel most comfortable doing!

11. Fun Travel Quiz

“What destination should you travel to this year?” This is just one example of a fun trip quick that you can put together for people to take! Taking quizzes online can create a fun and interactive experience.

12. Desktop or Mobile Wallpaper

Do you have amazing travel photos? If so, you should consider turning them into a wallpaper background for a desktop computer and/or a mobile phone! You can also add a quote to the image to spice it up.

You can use tools like Canva or Photoshop to create beautiful wallpaper backgrounds. Be sure to look up the best sizes for each desktop/mobile version and offer different dimensions for the downloads.

13. Invite to a Facebook Group

This is an excellent way to cultivate a relationship by allowing people to join your private travel Facebook group. This group can be focused on a specific type of travel like destination weddings or honeymoons. Or it can be a great place to share travel tips or focus on one destination only.

14. Travel Catalog

Do you have free catalogs from suppliers and vendors that you can share with clients? You can consider combining all of those together as well as adding your own expertise in those to create one large travel catalog for viewing.

15. Travel Tips

Do you have general travel tips or tips for visiting a specific destination? This can be an easy list to compile and create it as a PDF for anyone to download.

Written by Mazhar

A delicate balance of calm and chaos, he's a curious soul with a dramatic heart! With writing as her first love, he's a Proud parent of a Birb and can be found talking to curtains or apologizing to walls!

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