Simran Associates Case Study: How Facebook Ads Generated 853 Leads and Increased Sales by 8x

by | Apr 5, 2023 | Case Study

Simran Associates is a financial firm based in New Delhi, India, which provides various financial services to individuals and businesses. In 2023, Simran Associates decided to run a Facebook advertising campaign to increase its customer base and generate more leads. The aim of the campaign was to increase brand awareness and generate leads for their various financial services.

The Facebook advertising campaign run by Simran Associates was successful and generated 853 leads, which increased their sales and revenue by 8x. In this case study, we will examine the strategies and tactics used by Simran Associates to achieve this success.

Objective: Simran Associates set the objective of generating leads through Facebook advertising. The firm wanted to reach out to potential customers and encourage them to inquire about its financial services.

Focused Services:

  • Business Loan
  • Individual/ Personal Loan
  • Car Loan
  • Property Loan
  • Gold Loan

Target audience: The target audience for Simran Associates was individuals and businesses in New Delhi, and NCR, India, who were in need of financial services. The firm targeted people who were interested in finance, business, and investment.

Meta Ads Targeting Snap

Strategy and tactics: Simran Associates used a combination of targeting, ad creatives, and retargeting to achieve their objective.

  1. Targeting: The firm targeted individuals and businesses in New Delhi, India, who were interested in finance, business, and investment. They also targeted people who had previously shown an interest in financial services or had interacted with their Facebook page.
  2. Ad creatives: Simran Associates used a combination of image(Hindi, and English Creatives) ads to grab the attention of their target audience. The ads showcased their various financial services, such as loans, investment plans, and insurance policies. The ad creatives were designed to be visually appealing and informative, with clear and concise messaging.
  3. Retargeting: Simran Associates used retargeting to reach out to people who had interacted with their Facebook page or website. They used Facebook pixel to track user behavior on their website and then retargeted them with relevant ads. This helped them to reach out to people who were already interested in their services and were more likely to convert.
  4. Measurement: Run the A/B testing to test the creatives, the Hindi creatives performed better with lower CPL.

Results: The Facebook advertising campaign run by Simran Associates was a huge success, generating 853 leads and increasing their sales and revenue by 8x. The campaign helped the firm to reach out to potential customers, increase brand awareness, and generate more leads for their financial services.

Facebook Ads campaign results
Facebook campaign graphs

Here are some of the key metrics and results of the campaign:

  1. Leads generated: 853
  2. Increase in sales and revenue: 8x
  3. Cost per lead: INR 74.27
  4. Click-through rate (CTR): 2.5%
  5. Conversion rate: 10%

Conclusion: The Facebook advertising campaign run by Simran Associates was a huge success, generating 853 leads and increasing their sales and revenue by 8x. The campaign helped the firm to reach out to potential customers, increase brand awareness, and generate more leads for their financial services, Also increased the page reach and engagement rate.

Meta page insights snaps

The success of the campaign can be attributed to the targeted approach, effective ad creatives, and retargeting strategies used by Simran Associates. The firm was able to reach out to the right audience, grab their attention with informative ad creatives, and retarget people who had previously shown an interest in their services.

In conclusion, Facebook advertising can be an effective way for financial firms like Simran Associates to reach out to potential customers and generate more leads. By using a targeted approach, effective ad creatives, and retargeting strategies, financial firms can increase their brand awareness, reach out to potential customers, and generate more leads for their services.

Written by Mazhar

A delicate balance of calm and chaos, he's a curious soul with a dramatic heart! With writing as her first love, he's a Proud parent of a Birb and can be found talking to curtains or apologizing to walls!

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